The staff at the Kean Miron Student Center believe that this department offers some of the most important jobs that a student can have on campus. Our staff are highly visible and they interact with every population on the campus (students, faculty, staff and visitors). Because of this, we hold our student staff members to a higher standard. As a guideline, we have created a list of behaviors that we cannot tolerate if we wish to maintain our high standards. This list of infractions includes, but is not limited to, the following behaviors that will result in disciplinary action. Please refer to the form detailing the points system.
Loss of Keys/Equipment (i.e. radio, hand trucks)
Being under the influence of illicit drugs or alcohol while on duty; perception of being under the influence (including but not limited to scent).
Unauthorized leaving of the Center/Duty while on shift
Clocking in or out for someone else
Insubordination/Failure to comply with directives
Excessive hours without pre-approval
Failure to Complete a Shift Change Form 24hrs. prior to change
Failure to Sign Keys/Radio In/Out
Late (20 minutes or more), not calling to be late, or failing to follow proper call out procedures
Not wearing a proper uniform and ID while on duty/signing in
Misconduct while on- duty (i.e. inappropriate conversation, improper language, conflict with co-worker)
Failure to Complete an assignment
Improper Use of Radio
In attentive While on Shift (i.e., sleeping, daydreaming, earbuds, texting, watching videos or using social media, etc.). No electronic usage is permitted while on duty. Laptops are allowed but for academic use alone. Staff is not permitted to play music while on shift without prior permission from the supervisor.
Incomplete Documentation (i.e. round sheets, call out forms, duty switch forms)
In the Game Room for Entertainment, Recreational use, while on duty
Receiving/Making Personal Phone Calls (i.e. cell phone usage, office phones)
Leaving Department for more than 5 minutes, unless on official break (i.e. student offices)
Missed Staff Meeting (i.e. all-team, departmental)
Excessive Call Outs (upon 2 Emergency)
Conversations that Extend past 5 minutes while on duty
Failure to keep your Work Area/Department Clean
Failure to accept I.D. for the use of Equipment
Late or Leave Early (5-10 minutes) without prior approval
Eating while on duty
Failure to Clock in/out
**Another way in which we wish to maintain our high standards is to make sure that the appearance of the Kean Miron Student Center and its entire staff reflects these standards. Therefore, it is important to note that there are policies in place designed to maintain the level of professionalism expected by our customers. Here are some examples of policies that will be in effect when you are at your work stations/areas.
Once you are on the clock, personal cell phone usage will not be allowed at any location in or around the Center.
Failure to punch in and/or out for each pay period that you work will result in NO PAY for those hours.
Eating after punching in will not be tolerated except during breaks or extensive hours, and must be approved by the supervisor.
If we are understaffed, you may be asked to work in an area other than the one you were hired to work in.
Excessive call-outs/tardiness will not be accepted.